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Welcome to the West Arundel Swim Club Web site. This is our main page which will link you to the other web sites that pertain to the different sports I participate in. Venit Sports is a new idea for me, it will be a way for me to easily communicate all involved. It will also be a way for you to share your experiences with family and friends. At this site, you will find information, schedules, results, pictures and much more. Feel free to browse around this site. If you have comments or questions about us, or simply need more information and want to contact us, click on the contact button on any page within this site. Thanks for visiting and we look forward to serving you.

WAST = West Arundel Swim Team
LHS = Laurel High School Swim Team
Soccer = Maryland City Mustang Intermural Soccer
T-Ball = Maryland City Mustang Intermural TBall
Minikick = Maryland City Minikick Intermural Soccer

Venit Home | WAST | LHS | Soccer | T-Ball | Minikick |
To contact us:
Venit Sports John & Cherlynn Venit (301) 725-7711
John & Cherlynn Venit
414 Forest Bridge Ct
Laurel, MD 20724

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